In the heart of Sardinia, there lies an unusual place whose winding paths and wild trails take you on a journey through time. The Nuragic village of Tiscali is located on the border between the towns of Dorgali and Oliena. It is unique because it is enclosed in a cavity of a sinkhole and contains the remains of prehistoric huts along with Roman era remains. It is also one of the most popular trekking destinations in Italy. Go on a trekking adventure through the winding paths and wild trails of Mount Tiscali. Although the trek is arduous, the end result is definitely rewarding since the cavity in which the Nuragic village of Tiscali is located opens with a breathtaking view of the Lanaittu valley.
Visit the breathtaking Lanitto Valley, a popular destination for all those who want to experience Sardinia’s wilderness.
Enjoy one of the most authentic experiences in Sardinia and experience the beauty and serenity of this unique land.
Discover Costa Smeralda, the most exclusive holiday destination in Sardinia.
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